Repairing stuff

Hello all

I have tried repairing electronic and physical stuff.... couple of things on my classic car.... couple of bits of electrical music equipment... hinges for one of my turntables etc.. putting in a new motor for an old tape deck... I am basically useless and a lot of frustration and a lot of head scratching but when you get it right it is the best feeling in the world 🥰

I love fixing things, it will save our planet. Young people should learn and not throw things away at the first opportunity as is their throw away culture now. There is a movement where engineers and technitions are offering help for people to fix their appliences. I think we can save our environment and planet instead of sending it all to landfill in the Phillipenes.

Any thoughts?
When you think about it - that's all we really do in this life.... is fix things and solve problems. But I understand what you were getting at as far as mechanical and electronic things.

My entire 35 year professional life has been about fixing mechanical systems. No doubt, there is a lot of inherent value in knowing how to do some things on your own. Who knows how many tens of thousands I've saved over the years by working on my own plumbing, electrical, appliances, and cars. Just the other day I saved myself about $5-600 changing a faulty "Y" fitting in the cooling system of my F150. In the past fixing my own shit was often a matter of necessity, to a degree - now I'm doing more than good enough to pay someone else to do it. But I've also found it a bit grating to pay someone else when I can do it myself. At the same time - I'm getting tired of that and would rather spend my time.... say writing or recording music. Which is to say - "fixing" that "problem".:-)

I can't find it right now and will post it if I can locate it - but a few weeks ago I watched some little news piece about this older woman who has made it a thing not to by anything new unless absolutely necessary. Instead she has decided to spend the time to learn to fix *anything* that is fixable. She refuses to play the consumer game of just putting up with the fact that shit often wears out and/or breaks prematurely - and that corporations and big business expect us to just buy again when that happens. Good on her!
I've fixed stuff all my life. If it's broken, what's the harm in trying to fix it? If it works again, great. If it can't be fixed, then you haven't lost anything anyway. It's even easier now that we have the internet. You can find almost anything on there if you look. I've fixed printers, faucets, clothes dryers, my daughter's car window. my son's rearview mirror. The garage wanted to sell a new mirror for about $250 plus labor. I had to buy a $15 oxygen sensor socket to knock the clip back down on the shaft that holds the mirror steady. 3 whacks with a rubber mallet and you put it all back together! Since I already have the socket, the second side was free to fix!

BTW, I did spend the time watching the video, and overall, it was interesting. The problem is that my French and German skills are non-existent. I was hoping that there would be English subtitles. Watching the algorithms try to translate German speech into English words phonetically was hilarious! ... "equivalent of diesel Brenda Watson shrinking pizza"

Say... WHAT?
BTW, I did spend the time watching the video, and overall, it was interesting. The problem is that my French and German skills are non-existent. I was hoping that there would be English subtitles. Watching the algorithms try to translate German speech into English words phonetically was hilarious! ... "equivalent of diesel Brenda Watson shrinking pizza"

Say... WHAT?
The light bulb conspiracy? Whoops,maybe I put the wrong version up. There is one in English or at least with subtitles. Been a while since I watched. For this thread I just found one and posted it.
The light bulb conspiracy? Whoops,maybe I put the wrong version up. There is one in English or at least with subtitles. Been a while since I watched. For this thread I just found one and posted it.
Checked the video I posted and it’s in English.
Huh? I don’t understand. We talking about that video or something else?
There were parts where someone was speaking French or German, and the subtitles are generated by computer algorithms. Go to the 43 minute point, where Marcos is working on the printer. Here's a bit of the "translation".


Apparently, the Universal Translator is still in beta test!!!

This is another.. like I said, a bit comical.
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Either shouldnt be mean...Shouldn't be.

Makes perfect sense to me. What's actually said is of no importance anyhow.