Removing Vocals


New member
I'm sampling something and I need to remove part of the vocals. Can I do this with ACID Music Studio 6.0 or Sound Forge 2.0? Those are the only music programs I have on my computer. If I can't use those, what software can I download to remove vocals?
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a 2mix is the 2track L&R mix that you hear on cds. Unless you have the individual tracks or instrumental forget about it.

You have sound forge right? Rip a cd into the program then reverse the phase on one of the channels. Thats basically what a vocal removing program is gonna do.

Sounds like crap...
A better, if somewhat more complicated way is this:

1. Make a copy of the track.
2. Stereo flip the copy, meaning you want to end up with the Left channel on the right and vice versa.
3. Phase reverse the copy.

The vocals will be removed, and so will everything else that's panned to the center, and you'll only have the sides.

What the quality of the rest of the stuff will be is... well... depends. :D
how do i reverse the phase and stereo flip? this doesn't have a manual and the help button doesn't work. this software came with my computer since it's only soundforge 2.0.

edit: i think i just figured out how to stereo flip but how do i phase reverse?
It has been about 8 years since I saw sound forge 2. The phase reverse should be under process and it's named invert/flip.

If you just invert one side and listen to it in mono, you will get the same effect. It sucks.