Remove vocals question

Mike Richardson

New member
Achtung ;)

Ok, we all know about the "Remove vocals" option in Goldwave... and possibly more programs.... (please name some if you know of any more with this feature)..

Is it possible to keep the vocals but remove the music? Since it can single out the vocals, you would expect it to be able to make a new file containing only what it has removed (if you follow, well done).

I have written the music for a new song, but if I want to take the vocals out of a song - but not the music - and insert the vocals into my track, how can I do this?

Any help? :confused:
I doubt that you will acchieve satisfactory results. If every part that went into the mix of a stereo recording inhabited its own part of the frequency spectrum completely by itself, then you could do it. But this is not the case and the best you can do is get some attenuation of the vocalist's prominent frequencies without losing too much of the sound of all the other instruments, etc. that also occupy those frequencies. To actually seperate the vocals from the backing tracks is kind of like trying to get the yellow or blue paint back out after you mixed them together to make green.
That would work beautifully if (a) you had the original vocal track from the recording session, and (b) you knew exactly how it was mixed -compressed, EQd, and otherwise altered, on its way to the stereo mix. But if you had this information you would probably have all the tracks as well and then it would be easier to just make another mix with the vocals muted. ;)
aaah, remove SONG

sorry, i read to fast

use option minus mix in sound forge to remove centered signal (vocals), invert that new (stereo) signal and mix with original (stereo) song,
it´s full of artefacts but can be usefull
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