remote recording question

  • Thread starter Thread starter maxman65
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Is it possible to get someone to record remotely their vocal part . Problem is I don't use daw software so it's on an SD card recorded on tascam dp008ex
I don't have one of those, but I understand that you can export a .wav file to a partition on the SD card.
What do you want to do with the vocal part? If incorporate it into a mix I can see that being very tricky without a DAW.

WITH a DAW you would be able to edit the clip to fit, 'slide it about' to sync it up. What if they are a bit 'off tune' or time? These things can be fixed in many DAWs. Not sure it can be done any other way?

To me it's like trying to take an engine out but saying "I won't use a hoist, even though I can get one for free, I have these bit of timber and some rope..."


I'm guessing that your idea is to send them the SD card with the backing track on it and then they record their part on THEIR DAW? The snag really is that if I pretend to be a computer luddite - I could probably figure out how to play the SD card, but would I have software that would let me play it back and record it at the same time? Probably not. A DAW user could do this pretty simply, and if you instructed them to record their track always starting from the beginning of the backing, then if they could record this file on your SD car, you could probably bring them into your machine and job is done. It relies on you making sure they have the ability to do things you can't do? With even the free DAWs like audacity, it's a really basic thing. without one, you'd still need to find a way to make sense of what your collaborator did. In my studio I can send a feed from my gear to other users at full quality - with decent mics and stuff. Yesterday I did a zoom call with a radio station. I press a few buttons and my audio gets recorded the other end - so I could sing (not that I would) my end, listening to the studio audio in headphones. At the other end they would have to sync up my audio because it's a bit delayed - but that is easy.

Your nice stand alone recorder makes remote working a royal pain - because sync will be very tricky if the file your collaborator send back is a second or two out of time - which is common. Can your tascam move tracks in time, as in dial in a three second time shift?
Didn't look, but as Boulder stated, export the wave to whomever, they lay down a vocal track back to you without the backing track (stem export), then the trick is, can you import tracks/stems to you unit. If you can you are set. If not, then you could possible run just the vocals back to your recorder through the computer output, It might sound OK once you process it and fiddle with it.

I think getting it to sit in the mix would be tricky, but I say WTH, if it doesn't work, you know, if it does, you know. Figure out how to export and import, then you have solved the problem.
You can do it. Export the backing track to a wave file and send them that. Then they can put it in their daw and lay down the vocal and send it back to you.

By default, the information on the SD card is proprietary to tascam. It is useless without the machine. That is why you need to export the wav file.
And, you can import the wav file back into the DP008, as long as you keep the file 44/16 and use a valid file name.
You can export each of the DP008ex individual tracks, and put them in a DAW.
Ok I went on fiverr looking for female vocalists . What if I were to premix onto two tracks then there's 6 blank tracks left . Export all those tracks individually (never actually done that before ) presumably when it came back the dp008ex can reimport it all ie the stereo mixdown and anything she's added ? Or just send the wav file. Send it both ways I guess and see what happens when it comes back . This kind of thing melts my brain sadly
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It really shouldn't be that complicated. You do a mixdown of your tracks to a mono or stereo track. Send that mix to your vocalist. Your vocalist should be able to make a track that starts at the same point, most likely in a DAW, and send you just the vocal track. You would need one empty track to import the vocal track to the DP008. Then you can mix it down the same as if you had done the track yourself.
Have you considered the benefits even a free or cheap DAW would offer. Things like slipping things in time - copying and pasting a chorus, and of course unlimited tracks. I know you want to use the Tascam, and I get that - but you are now branching out into remote singers, and there really are zero complications with doing it in the box - after all, you'll get the source file electronically. Bring in the backing she sang to, align the new audio, then you have two identical length tracks to put back into the tascam? two minutes in audacity, and it is free!
Note that the DP008ex is restricted to 44.1KHz.
Your recording partner will have to work with same, and then return in 44.1KHz.
Yes it is. thanks . I'll have to read through these messages again to try get the plot. I really am very tech backwards
Yes it is. thanks . I'll have to read through these messages again to try get the plot. I really am very tech backwards
No, not "back'ards" just not on top of everything! Yes, do read through stuff but also download Audacity and have a play with it. To get the best from it you really need some sort of Audio Interface but if you have a laptop with 3.5mm mic in and headphone out jacks a $20 headset will show you all you need to know. Sennheiser make a good set, I shall see if I can find a link.

Very good for "Skyping" as well.
