remo coated emperor drumheads


New member
here's something i've never considered before...

the other night at band practice my snare head developed a tear. at first i thought the head was completely ruined, but i messed with it and pulled at the tear, which resulted in most of the top, coated ply pulling away from the bottom clear ply. does anyone know if the plies in an emperor (2-ply) head are the same as ambassador (1-ply) heads? in other words, is an emperor just two ambassador heads slapped together?

in any case, the head held up for the rest of practice and is still going strong. depending who you ask, it actually sounds better now.
Actually, An Emperor is two Diplomats. The Diplomat is one .07 ply and the Emperor is two .07 plys together. An Ambassador is a single .1 ply. I've torn an Emperor and just ripped the top layer off of it to finish rehearsal. It works unless you're a hard hitter.

I actually like the Remo BE-0114-10. It's a Coated Emperor with a black dot on the bottom. So, it's two plys AND a black dot. Be sure you get this number if you're looking for one because they also make a Controlled Sound which is actually an Ambassador with a black dot on the bottom.
cobradenim said:
Actually, An Emperor is two Diplomats. The Diplomat is one .07 ply and the Emperor is two .07 plys together. An Ambassador is a single .1 ply. I've torn an Emperor and just ripped the top layer off of it to finish rehearsal. It works unless you're a hard hitter.

I actually like the Remo BE-0114-10. It's a Coated Emperor with a black dot on the bottom. So, it's two plys AND a black dot. Be sure you get this number if you're looking for one because they also make a Controlled Sound which is actually an Ambassador with a black dot on the bottom.

thanks for the info. the clear head that was exposed after i ripped off the top ply seemed thinner than an ambassador. i forgot about diplomats.

i might try the emperor w/ dot on my snare. does the dot muffle the head at all? i'm actualy considering switching to clear heads on snare and toms (i currently use coated on everything, except bass drum, which has a fiberskyn). i don't use brushes, so i don't need a coated snare head. as stupid as it might seem, i kind of like being able to see the inside of my snare for a change, which is part of the reason i'm considering putting a clear head on the snare.
The bottom black dot muffles it a little bit. It mostly makes it a little bit stronger there in the middle. I've used clear heads on the snare before and there's nothing wrong with it. I used a clear Pinstripe on my Ludwig Acrolite once and it sounded pretty good. I also like looking through the snare. It just looks cool!