"Remixed" an old song of mine


New member
This has always been my favorite song of mine, and I thought it deserved to be fixed up the best I could at this point. I redid just about all the vocals, and completely redid the middle of the song.

The New Droopy Face

If you want to hear the changes listen to the old to compare. The biggest change is the middle at about 1:22 into the song. The end has no change and the beginning before vocals has no changes.

The old

Is this an improvement over the old, or is it just as bad, or should have kept it?
Hey...I listened to your new version...I think there is talent here as far as the instrumentation...there is a lot going on and for the most part it all sounds good together. Maybe it could be a little tighter as far as timing. Don't really like the song from a songwriting point of view...makes me think of "Smelly Cat" from the TV show "Friends"...would be interested in a song from you that is less comical.