New member
Can u please help a newbie to remix his own demo?its a cd,and the console im going to work on is a mackie 8-track.Or if it is to much for, u tell me some links or sites that can guide me.thanx.
What are you trying to do? If you have aq CD with a two track mix, I'm not sure how much mixing you are going to do. I'm guessing you're looking to "master" your demo (which many will say you should not do yourself anyway). I guess I would be more interested to know what kind of outboard gear you'll have available.

All things that a pro studio must deck,compresor,rack.the mackie is analog.heres the situation..we(my band)have done this demo cd 2 years ago to another studio from another engineer...and i want to try making it sounds better..or worst:)for example some eq here and there,also i want to turnup/down the volume levels of each instrument,and then make a copy of it on a cd.if u want some more info please tell me so that u can help we call that mastering?i dont know...then what is a remix??
If you don't have the original tracks to work with, and all you have is a mixed CD, then you're out of luck in terms of remixing the separate tracks. Once mixed-down to 2 track stereo, you lose control over each individual element of the mix. The best you could do would be to have it mastered... part of which can involve overall level/EQ tweaking. A decent mastering house can do pretty amazing things to turn a mediocre mix into a very listenable one.

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound
I would shop around. Don't just pick someone out of the phone book. Tour their facility, eyeball what they have, and listen to things that they have already done.

You could certainly try to do it yourself, but a lot of the mastering houses use eqipment most of us would not be able to imagine (or ever afford).

I've heard things mastered very well for under 1k, but I've also heard things that cost three times as much sound like crap.

Check around.