remix - Dylan Cover


I checked this out a while back and again this morning. It starts out nice. I like the fullness of the acoustics as opposed to what I often hear which strikes me as way too thin.

So, the vocals...I just don't know. You've gone for this telephone, scratchy lo-fi kind of thing which can be cool in moderation, but to me this is excessive. Your voice is so masked by the effect that the voclas are simultaneously hard to decipher, yet distracting. Sorry - just my opion on that.

Otherwise pretty cool. I know more than just a few Dylan tunes but not this one. Cheers :drunk:.
Yeah the vocal is not workin that well...hard one to sing...hard to sing full stop. Sounds like all the highs and most the lows are gone...sounds distant. Singing on pitch for this song isn't working for the singer here either. The little synth run before 2:40 is pretty dubious as well...pitching probs just like the vocal.

Keep on truckin!
While the vocal could be brought forward some, there is also a disconnect between the vintage sound of the vocal and the relatively clean sound of the guitars. That lo-fi effect may be more cohesive if it is applied (in moderation) to the master bus as opposed to just the vocal track.

Good job :)
A little too much bass on the acoustic on the left, and too little body on the acoustic noodling on the right, (the whole mix seems a little left heavy to me) and the voice needs to be louder, maybe the drums louder too.
It started cool and all, but then the vocals don't take center stage or in other words they don't become the focal point and so all I can notice is the simple and boring strummed guitars.

Not normally it would be fine because the vocals or lead instrument in some cases become the center of attention. The song has a very good vibe and would be cool, but I don't think you captured the vocal good enough to yet.