reinforcing a bass/snare with samples - easy way?


New member
Hey guys - ruebarb here -

been a while, but my band's doing an album - I just tossed out 5 tracks when I realized my damn snare mic was picking up too much hi-hat - forgot how much fucking fun this can be - (all I ever wanted was to be the musician - screw home recording)

so here's the slight dilemia - not getting a ton of meat from Bass/Snare mic's and we all know that nowadays those are mixed with samples anyways, so I would like to do that.

I have no idea where to go from there - I know Alesis had a drum module - but of course, there are no triggers set up - I'd have to do it after the fact - could I pump audio from the recorded tracks into a sampler and have it trigger an equivlant beat in the machine? - would a Boss 770 work? - PC editing isn't an option, although I could cut and past a few beats in my workscreen space easily - but I'd rather have it triggered by the playing.

No idea where to start here, really...

don't think it's gonna happen - I'm not using pro tools - I'm using a propritary gui editing system (Mackie HDR24) -

any way it can be done with patch cables?

not that i know of... i vaguely remember something about playing the snare track through a bass amp... putting the snare over a bass amp speaker (lying on its' back) and using that as a trigger and re-mic the snare... i could totally be off on this but it's worth a shot i guess.