rehearsal ear protection


neil young whore
Hey, when my band and I practice we are in a small room and the noise levels are very high so I feel the need to protect my ears, anyways when I use ear plugs its does dampen the sound but i cant hear my self sing at all therefore i have no clue if im in tune or not. Does anyone have any suggestions of prodcuts that would let me hear whats going on in the room without the mind blowing volume.
I'd say turn the volume down. :D

Google a company called Big Ear, they might have something to help.

Good luck.
Hey, when my band and I practice we are in a small room and the noise levels are very high so I feel the need to protect my ears, anyways when I use ear plugs its does dampen the sound but i cant hear my self sing at all therefore i have no clue if im in tune or not. Does anyone have any suggestions of prodcuts that would let me hear whats going on in the room without the mind blowing volume.

If you need ear plugs then you are playing way too loud.

I didn't wear ear plugs early on. And I developed tinitus. I did start wearing ear plugs before it got too bad. I used the yellow, foam ear plugs you can get in the sporting goods section of Walmart. I think they have about 26 -30 dB reduction. I would put them in about five minutes before we started playing to adjust. The amp level wasn't the issue. It was the drummer. He was just freaking loud. But I never had a problem hearing myself sing with earplugs. It was usually the opposite. I heard myself too well. So I would sing on the quiet side.
if you really have to play loud, consider going to an audiologist and getting some custom ones made. they run about $120. they are great.

before i got custom earplugs, i used a brand called Vader. also great stuff.

wicked responses guys, thanks a lot
and as said above its not a case that our amps are too loud its just that the drummer hits hard
Check this place out, the most awesome earplug store I've found:

A couple years ago I bought a pair of maybe 10-12 different styles of earplugs, then wore them to various gigs. This was to pick out my favorites, those that felt the best and sounded okay too.

My own personal favorite out of this bunch were these, which I still use when necessary:

These look interesting too, and weren't available when I was looking around before:

Also, you can buy any one of their trial packs and check all the plugs out and see which you like better, then order more of those. For example:

They have different trial packs at this store.

Earplugs are very personal things and you will need to try some different styles to find the ones you like. The one thing I do know is that I really *hate* those expandable foam earplugs. They don't feel good to me, they don't sound good to me, and they often don't sit right in the ear. At least my ear.

So there you have it, have fun at the ear plug superstore!

Thanks a ton im gonna buy a few different pairs from there in just a moment.
And I agree the foam ones always seem to take too much out and never sit right or stay put.