Reformatting windows with 2 hard drives


New member
I am beginning the process of changing my primary hard drive along with a fresh load of XP pro( I have been dealing with an increasingly more erratic system, and I feel its time for a reformat/reload). Anyways, if I do such will I harm the Sonar audio data/wav files saved on the second hard drive. There are no programs on this drive, only these cakewalk files. After the new drive and XP are loaded, I will be loading to sonar 3 for what its worth. Also, can I copy the my documents folder to the second hard drive while reformatting and changing the primary drive, and then switch it back. Any help is much appreciated.
If you are certain the audio files on your secondary drive, formatting the primary drive will not affect them. Make sure you also have your project files on the secondary drive as well.

When you reinstall Sonar, you will probably have to point it to where the files are located.

And yes, you can copy the my documents folder to the secondary drive and move it back later with no ill effects. What you can't copy and move are any actual programs. They need to be registered with the new OS, so you'll need to reinstall them after the OS is installed.