[REDO] Drawback To Discourse


New member
This is a band I recorded a couple of months ago.
I was on a vacation in Korea, I brought this laptop along and I just did some mixing when I was bored.

Today, I'm home, and I did some mastering and producing, and here's how it came out.


There are many many flaws, I know.
- The vocals are clipped.. destructively DDx I'm an idiot. I have another copy of them thankfully, but I am too lazy to switch tracks hahaha.

- The High frequencies are maybe a little too loud. they hurt my ears after a while. for you 40 year olds, this won't matter =PP

- the maximizer I used did a pretty bad job in keeping the track sounding clear. i'll have to find another.

What I really like about this song is that the drums are AMAZING. full of energy and the bass and drums carry the song all the way. they pull the guitars through the song, and the guitars have this annoying hiss, NOT phase that I couldn't really get rid of through EQing without making the guitars lose their 'live' sound.

This song is compressed like there's no tomorrow. A little too much, but decent for today's generic loud pop rock.

Comments! PLEASE!

<33 Grape

I also discovered my .mp3 encoder doesn't support anything over 48000, 32. DDx I wanted 96000!! >:O
you're mastering a commercial song? why? what's the point of that? it's already been mastered. you can't improve it with more compression. record something mix it then master it then you'll learn something.
lol, no it's not commercial.

I recorded it in my home studio. why the hell would anyone master a commercial song?

read the first line of the first post, maybe then you'll learn something. thanks.