Red5 Drum Mic Sample


New member
Here you can listen to my drum recording using the following mics

Snare - Red5
Tom - Red5
Tom - Red5
Bass Drum - Red5
Hi-Hats - Behringer B5
Overhead - Behringer B1

The main reason for using the Behringer overheads was because the Red5 condensers werent recommended. Also I can use the B1 as a vocal mic. There has only been EQ adjustments and minor reverb applied to the sounds.

It was recorded for a song rather than to show off different drum sounds, so bear that in mind. It has been compressed to MP3 and is only 16bit.

why not do another sample recording, without the behringer overheads? no fancy chops or shows needed - just show how the mics sound! a quick, three or so minute display would probably be enough..

what pres?
I listened, and well, it sounds pretty dooky. Maybe it's the way the drums are tuned. Who knows? I always figure, save up, and buy some nice drum mics.
Red 5 Audio

I have a set of Red 5's and I think they're excellent. I've had good results with them... Listen Here

We all have budgets to stick to don't forget, this is a home recording website right...?