Red Rover


New member
Greetings to you all.

I'm considering buying a Red Rover, by Syntrillium, and I've got a question about it:

When I'm remote-recording on a certain track and I make a mistake, can I delete the take and just record again on the same track? Or would I have to walk over to my PC and delete the track before recording again?

Red Rover seems like a good invention. Have any of you had experiences with it that you'd care to share?

hi. i don't have any experience with red rover, but when you record in cool edit, if you return the cursor to the beginning of the track, you can re-record over it without deleting it. you can control the cursor with red rover so it would be possible to do so thus.

i personally don't have a boner for this device. it seems like an unecessary piece of equipment. the range is 10 feet, and when i record, i'm usually no farther than that from the mouse, whose company is very comfortable to me.

if i were to spend $130 on a new piece of equipment, i wouldn't buy a luxary item like red rover. But, then again, i'm poor.
A guy on this bbs called Emeric once posted something about a remote device that he got really cheap, and it worked just fine for tracking. Worked up to twenty feet or something like that. I think it cost a lot less than that too.