red hot chili pepper fans: read this and help!


New member
the song is : dont forget me
album: by the way
in the verses, what effect does the guitarist use? is it a wah or what? any replies at all would b greatly appreciated :)
fingmung said:
C'mon Sum1 Help Me!!! Plzzz!!! :(

I don't have an answer to your question. However, you may want to try the guitarr and bass forum and not this one. You will probably get more responses.

Not that I don't think there are no Red Hot Chili Peppers fans, but by asking their fans to respond, it limits the amount of people who are going to look at your post. You may want to ask the question in the Title or a teaser to draw people in. Just a suggestion to help you get your answer.

Sorry I couldn't help with your question though.
Just to set the record straight, fingmung's signature line has changed. It said 'help! I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body' when I posted.

And I don't know why this thread attracted my attention in the first place - the red hot chilli peppers jumped the shark years, if not decades, ago.