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i have a p-II 450,128 meg ram,32 meg vid card
cretive live sound card,two 20 gig hard drives,a zip & jazz drive and HP-cdrw

i want to record my 40 year old LP's to CD's
i have a turn table..

HOW do i put all of this togetter and make it work, what do need to buy??
You mentioned a turntable; do you also have a receiver (or pre-amp/amp) that will allow you to move the signal from the turntable to another device (like a tape deck) at line level? Phono signals straight from the table won't work because they're too low a signal level and they require special equalization.
If you've got this line level signal, then all you need is the cable to connect this to the line in jack on the Creative Live! card and some software to create the 16bit/44.1KHz stereo .wav file. Then some software to normalize the .wav file. Then some software to translate .wav to .cda format and burn it to a CDR. I've seen links to free versions of all of this stuff at this site.