Recording won't work all of a sudden


New member

(in SONAR 2.0) I have MIDI tracks and corresponding Audio tracks for each of these MIDI tracks so I can record each one separately to have an Audio file to export. The "green bars" are under the audio tracks named "Corresponding Audio Track to MIDI Track #" (etc.) and only when I arm the Audio track, the green bars will move when I play. Yet, when I record, the green bars do move, but there is nothing in the new Audio clipping that I just created, just 3 orange lines. And when I try to record again, the green bars disappear during recording and it does not create an audio clipping at all! Then when I stop the recording by pressing the record button, the green bars magically come back up as if the source was off the whole time and it was just turned on.

I used to be able to record perfectly fine, but this never happenned before. Please help me. Thank you so much!