Recording with EMU 0404 and Behringer UB802 - help with connections, please


New member
Hi folks-
I've got an EMU 0404 sound card in my XP machine, and I recently bought a Behringer UB802 mixer. The way I connected it to my EMU is as follows:
UB802 Control room out --> EMU 0404 L & R lines in
EMU 0404 L & R out --> UB802 L & R Tape In
UB802 Main Out --> stereo receiver
Headphones connected to the headphones out on the UB802

Now when I try to record a track, everything going through the mixer (all existing tracks) gets recorded on the track. How do I connect the mixer so that I can record individual tracks? I'm using Cakewalk Guitar Studio 3, by the way.

At first blush it looks like you have the UB's main outs and CR outs reversed. You want to use the main outs to supply the EMU with the tracks to record, and the CR outs to supply your speakers (which is what I assume you're using your receiver for.).

Once it's set up that way, you use the controls on the mixer to set which input tracks you send to the main outs for recording by muting the tracks you're not recording.

Thanks, Glen. I swapped the CTRL ROOM & MAIN OUT, but still have the same problem. I have always been confused and intimated by PatchMix, the software mixer that controls the EMU 0404, but I'm wondering if that's what I need to modify to get this working properly.
The EMU cannot be the problem *if* your description of the problem is correct:
Now when I try to record a track, everything going through the mixer (all existing tracks) gets recorded on the track.
According to that description, the problem is that you're sending too many channels on the mixer to the main outs at the same time. If that description is inaccurate, then anything goes.

UB802 main outs> EMU inputs> EMU outs > UB802 tape inputs> UB802 tape outputs> stereo receiver. Then plug headphones into UB802 headphone output. Press the "tape to control room" button but DO NOT press the "tape to mix" button.