Recording Vocals w/o Music


New member
First of all here's the equipment that I currently have:

ProTools LE w/ Mbox
Samson C03 Mic

I was wondering is there anything in ProTools that would help me keep the tempo or do I need to get a MPC or is there something cheaper out there that I can get? I am only trying to record vocals and I place each one on a different track (Sop,Alto,Tenor and Lead). Eventhough I can hear the other vocalist in the earphones when I hear it all together it still ends up being off. Yes I have done the nudging and shifting but it still doesnt work.

One problem is in the headphones I whoever is recording can hear a echo regardless of how much I turn the headphones down it still seems to happen and that affects the tempo.

Any help will be greatly appreciated! make a click track read this post that was just recently posted:

second, sounds like you're getting a latencey issue. since you're using an mbox, go up to one of the option menus (can't remember which ones) and find the command "Zero Lantency" and click that. This will probably take care of both the echo and the out-of-tempo problem. Good luck.