Recording Violin


Sheep Defiler
I've been looking on as well as other places for useful techniques on recording a violin. Seems like the mid-side approach has favorable results, but requires a microphone with a figure 8 polar pattern...something I don't have.

Is there another method that could work well here?
If it's solo, I tend to go with a mic over the instrument (maybe a foot or so) pointed down and another maybe 5-6 feet away in front of the player.

A reasonable sounding room is basically non-negotiable.

If it's part of an ensemble or an accompanying or support instrument, definitely the "over" mic but the "room" mic might be closer - or exceptionally farther - depending on how the instrument is supposed to sit in the mix.

SDC or ribbon close, SDC or LDC far, lots of room for experimentation depending on the instrument.

If it IS and ensemble, there's little substitute for a B-bar and using the mid-side approach. But a simple, slightly over-spaced (maybe a foot) pair of omni's at whatever the listening depth is can work well.
I'd only go with the M/S approach in a really nice sounding room.

Generally, I just use a single SDC about 18 inches above the instrument. I generally experiment with positions slightly in front of the instrument and the same distance but coming in over the violinists shoulder...the second tends to be a bit cleaner but in front captures more of the instrument's natural resonance. Frankly, which I use depends on the quality of the violin...but I never tell the player that!

There are other techniques, such as to the bow arm side and about 6-10 inches away pointed at the body...this can cut some resonance but loses some of the HF...I only use it on a fairly screechy unpleasant instrument and prefer the other two options.

Anyhow, a few ideas to think about...
Wow! Thanks, guys!
I'd kind of discovered the over-the-shoulder method when experimenting last time, and hit a brick wall after that. Every idea here is great. Thank you SO much!
Aggressive playing I like to have a SDC up close for more bow sound if not a LDC a few feet out for a more mellow recording but as John pointed out it all depends on how you want it to fit into the mix.
Thanks for all the great input, guys.
I'm supposed to be recording tonight. I'll be sure to post some results. :)
Noting that there were some different ideas given here...

For SDC's (either in the room or directly above the instrument), I have a pair of MXL 993's (though I should only need one).

For LDC's (in the room, might try 24-36 inches out front), I'm going to try the V67g that I got from you (moresound), as well as the AT4040 or the mk 319.
Sorry to wait so long to respond. Family/holidays/work kind of piled up on me.
No, I haven't used the mk 319 on violin yet. I intend to.
There was a change of scheduling for the holidays. EVERYthing got turned sideways, with good & not-so-good results.
GOOD: Got to see more of my family. Always a plus, since my folks and her folks aren't getting any younger.
NOT-SO-GOOD: Cooked the head gasket on my wagon, and am scrambling to find time to get the wagon back on the road before NYE gig 4 hours from me on the NC coast.

I might not get back to this until the first week of January.

Side Note: Earlier,I asked you guys about mid-side recording. Might have a line on a really inexpensive Samson C03 (multi-pattern LDC with figure-of-eight pattern). :)

Just wanted to keep you guys posted. I appreciate the information you shared, and look forward to sharing my results for your review.