Recording Toms.


New member
I've been mucking around lately trying to get a good sound on the toms. So i removed the bottem head of one tom, and the dampners, and stuck a SM57 mic inside it pointing towards the top head. I thought the sound that was produced was great, and much better than any other previous attempts. But the problem is that i only have 1 SM57 allocated for the toms, so i'm wondering if there is a way to get a good sound for the 2 mounted toms using one SM57?? If possible similar to the sound i got with the one tom.

ok seriously

i don't think your going to get anything really similar because the mic is being pointed at where the stick hits the head basically. It just won't sound the same. Do you have any other mics available. If so pick a dynamic or something similar to a 57 and put that on the tom that gets less use.

What I do when i mic the toms w/ one mic is stick it right at the rim w/ equal distance from both toms pointing down towards the throne
Let me ask a question or two:

1. How many Mic's do you have?
2. What are they?
3. If they aren't being used on the drumkit, can they be used there?

For example, can you line in the guitar while you record the drums, and then re-record guitar tracks?

I plan on using Sm-57's to mic the drum toms. Is the best place to place the microphone INSIDE the Tom pointing toward the top head?
I would say no, inside the tom is not the best place to mic a tom. I feel toms sound better with the bottom heads on and properly tuned. If the drums don't sound good in the room, no mic will make the sound good. Personally, I like to place the mic any where from 3" to 6" out from the top, about 3" high from a line even with the top aimed just above the rim. If I'm miking two toms with one mic it's about the same, just aimed in between the two. Those numbers are VERY rough and just generalities and I end tuning this setup by listening to the mics.