Recording to PC using Cubase (Adats R.I.P.) What is ASIO?


New member
I re-racked and re-wired my studio gear last week. Where before I would track to adats and mixed down via a motu into Cubase, now it will be Cubase only.

Question though. what is ASIO monitoring and how is it enabled? I hear this mode of monitoring allows for virtually zero delay and this is what I want but I dont understand it.

again I use a motu 2408mkII and cubase 5.1 (no outboard mixer). I also have a P4 1.6 with 512mb ram and a dedicated harddrive for cubase data (if it makes any difference).

your help would be appreciated
ASIO was developed by steinberg and stands for Audio Stream Input Output.

Yes it provides lower latency than mme or direct sound drivers.

To use it both your software and soundcard hardware must support ASIO.

If this is the case, go into 'system, audio' (can't remember which drop down menu it is along the top, tools maybe?)

In there you will see a box (top right area) that allows you to choose your driver. There should be a setting something along the lines of 'MOTU ASIO driver'. There is also a checkmark for 'ASIO monitoring which you may want to try, if your not going to use an outboard mixer for monitoring, while tracking.