recording through mbox3, do i need another preamp?


New member
hello everyone!

i have an mbox3 and recording with audio-technica 4040 condesner mic and i dont know if i need to buy another preamp because i heard some people say that the mbox3 preamp sucks

im thinking about M-Audio/Midiman DMP-3 or ART TPS II and connecting it to my mbox3 bypassing the mbox3 preamp

what do you guys think? and what mic preamp do you guys reccommend for recording mainly vocals

I am only doing vocal covers as a hobby, mainly pop/hip pop/rnb

I dont know much about preamp and i need someone to point me into the right direction onto deciding a preamp or not

my budget is 300 :(

It is a hobby don't waste the money on a preamp right now. Take that 300 and go buy some monitors if you don't already own them(the krk's are great in that price range). Use the mboxs preamps until you feel that is what is holding you back then upgrade.
That $300 might be better spent elsewhere- monitors, acoustic treatment, beer...

I don't know much about the mbox. But my suggestion: record with the mbox pre's and tell us how you think it sounds. That matters the most. Maybe post some mixes on the mp3 mixing clinic forum and ask for some constructive criticism. If your microphone placement is good, the room sounds good, your monitors are giving you good mixes- THEN maybe it makes sense to invest in a pre-amp upgrade.

Good luck!:)
this is my studio as of right now, I am working with

-pro tools le 8
-audio-technica 4040 condensor mic/w reflection filter
-mackie MR5 reference monitors 201
-room treatment is more than good

I am doing this as a hobby and mostly doing vocal covers, and i want a decent sound

someone told me that the mbox3 preamp isnt that great, so now im thinking of getting another preamp to bypass my mbox preamp

im thinking of those 2 preamp, but im up for some recommendation and considering other preamps as well

