recording the kick without the right mic


New member
I can't afford a seperate microphone for the bass drum. I got some sm57s and 58s and some sehnnheisers dontknowwhat, but they are vocal mikes for sure. I want to record a good sound as possible of the kick drum with this equipment.

I place it to the mic hole, I place it right on the center, very close, very far... The drum is tuned very fine. but I can never get that same sound on the record. sometimes it's filled with bass, woofing, sometimes it's like knocking on wood.

The preamp is shitty all the way... but I don't want to invest on it before I am really sure that is the cause of the pain.

so I wonder, is it the preamp or the mikes or the placement that's gotta go...
you can get a pretty get kick sound with a sm57, depending on the sound you are going for....what preamp are you using?....
I agree the 57 will get a good kick sound.There is a lot of beef in the low end of the 57.The closer your mic position is to the beater, the more clicky the sound IMO.Back the mic off a bit away form the bass drum and keep it pointing away from the snare side.You can even reduce bleed further by building a kind of tent or tunnel with cushions or blankets from the bass drum out to the mic position.
Well, the 57 has a lot of natural bass rolloff to it, so it isn't necessarily going to capture a lot of the "oomph!" (without a lot of eq, that is) but it should do fine on the "whack!" of the beater.