Recording techniques videos


New member
Are there any videos like

'Metallica - the black album documentary'

that showcases recording and mixing techniques?
There are plenty that document the bigger picture, while touching on some of the recording / mixing process. Like there's a Dark Side of the Moon video where Gilmour and Parsons kind of go through the various tracks to the song "Breathe." And there's another that describes how Queen layered all of their backing vocals and overdubs on bohemian rhapsody. But the main thrust of such documentaries is the story behind the record, interviews with the band, as well as the personal dynamics between the band members.

Certainly, I don't think there's anything out there that really goes heavily in to the nuts and bolts of the recording / mixing techniques.

It's just not somthing that would generate any mass interest ... outside of some dorks like us on an internet recoring board, that is.
