Recording Studio and All Black Blankets.

If I take out the traps and leave just the foam and blankets the difference is profound. My traps cost me about $16 a piece and I built 8 in a days time..
That makes total sense, mainly because blankets are useless and foam is even more useless. I bet if you got rid of the foam and blankets, you'd hear either an improvement or at the very least, no difference. All you're doing with foam and blankets is killing your high end, which is rarely a good thing. It's the low end that needs to controlled and that can't be done with blankets and foam.

I made about 24 traps at an average cost of a little more than $10 each. The most expensive thing was the fabric to wrap them in.

As far as the OP is concerned, he's in a cement garage. It's a no-brainer, he needs to properly treat the room. I don't know how or why anyone would argue or disagree with that, it simply makes no sense to do so, unless people are just looking to disagree for the sake of disagreeing.

Properly treat the room. That's all there is to it.

Stupid blankets. :rolleyes:'d you guys build your traps so cheap?
freight alone on the Roxul 60 (whatever it was) was more than $10.
I think the superchunks broke down to about $40 or $50 each.
Your bass trap considerations aside....I would get out of that corner, and try to place myself more at the middle of the room or at least facing down the longer distance maybe 3/4 of the way from the wall.

Being in the corner only complicates your problem...even with proper trapping in the room.

Not disputing the need for traps, but just they're real time effect in this room.
I didn't expect the blanket to do much of anything, but for all the proponents here, thought I might as well get one to see. It''ll come in handy at times, anyway.
I'm actually about 5 ft out from the corner, and not back straight to it either, there is a big stereo speaker in the corner and 2 pieces of sectional sofa right next to it. The blanket experiment proved there really is no high end reflections coming back at the mic (my body probably effectively blocks those when singing or playing guitar anyway). Vocals and acoustic guitar are not producing any bass standing waves I would would worry about. If I was mixing in there, it would be another story.
Bass traps plans are on the bucket list, but its $72 for the Roxul plus shipping, plus wood plus cloth for 6 2x4 traps. Even with cheap 1x4 pine, I figure cost is going to add up to about $200.
I couldn't tell from the diagram just how far you were tucked into the corner...where you get two walls on either side of you, and always more potential for reflectrions and wave build up.