Recording Software? (Magix 7)


New member
Here is the deal. I am thinking about getting into HD recording (I have only put tunes on the 4-track untill now). I am looking for a fairly cheap way to get into it, and am considering Magix home studio 7 (Mostly because I have some store credit at Best buy and this is one of the only recording softwares they have). I am wondering if anyone here has any experience with this software, and if not, what software you would choose.
I've used Magix Music Maker (their looping package), and it's not half bad. But I've heard nothing but bad things about the multi-track package. I've seen it brand new in the shrinkwrap on ebay for 5 bucks. I'd see what else best buy has. You can also get shareware packages that are probably much better.
Really? I hear just great things about Magix Music Studio. I've never tested it myself, though. But it's supposed to be based on the Logic engine, and that can't be bad, can it? ;)
the magix stuff I've tried seemed to me to be loopingprograms with prefabbed samples and so for the idiot who can't play a note but wants to make stuff they hear on the radio to become a famous dj, but i can be wrong.
I hadn't heard that it was based on the Logic engine. I'm sure the customer support would be awesome :) Most of the complaints I've heard were about the user interfacie and bugs.

And yes, the Music Maker program is the one with the loops in a can, targeted for wannabe DJ's. That's why I make my own loops and use it as an arrangement tool (Acid is more popular, but I like the Magix interface better).
i've never used this magix program myself.... but Computer Music magazine have been speaking highly of it for quite some time.
the new version apparently has track automation like logic... and this program certainly looks EXACTLY like logic...just a different shade of blue.

it's relatively cheap right? so i would say go for it and buy it. just search for some reviews of it online and see what other people say about it.
just looked . . . .

computer music reviewed the latest version and gave it a 10. hmm, go for it, it's definately be better than the 4track.

but also, you may want to check out n-track studio . . . it's about the same price and you can download the demo from their website. that is supposed to be a good program too.