Recording Screams Technique


New member
Alot of bands have been recorded with really really powerful group screams. I know that they just record the scream a wole bunch of times, and then layer it. But I was wondering if any of you knew a certain technique or trick to get this precise. Here is an MP3 to clarift what I am talking about.

IMHO the trick to capturing screams well is a high quality *dynamic* microphone coupled with hard compression set at a low, low threshold level. The more the singer can overload the diaphragm of the mic the better. I will have people hand cup a mic and just pour their guts into it to nail a good scream.

Good mics I've used are the SM7 (best choice) and RE20 (work well). If in a pinch a SM57 hand cupped and screamed into can work.

Most of the bands I work with are screamo/emo so I've had a fair amount of practice. :)
did you listen to the mp3? thank you so much for your input. ill ask my friend if he has heard what you are talking about. ill have him tell me what mics he has. i know he has

Oktava MK201
Shure SM57

but he has a ton i just dont know names
About half the bands I end up producing all want that Bert McCracken scream from The Used. So I point them to the SM7 and tell them to show me what they've got. Usually I end up insulting them to build up that rage so they can get a meaningful scream out... baiting them by telling them they sound like a mouse farting, or put some balls in it you little girl, man that sounds like Charles the sheepish lion on the other end of this thing.... after five minutes of heckling (and loosening up the vocal chords, and getting pissed off, and roughening up their voice to have that edge) we'll end up with a keeper.
"Bert McCracken scream from The Used"

oh, but doesnt everyone? You should tell them that The Used band members got Bert to scream like that for the album by throwing pots and pans at him. (theres a good technique for recording screams!) Then ask them if they still want his scream.

Thanks for the tips...
hahaha ok sounds good..but what about the "group screaming" like in the mp3...anyone have any tips on how to record that type of stuff?? do you layer a bunch of screams? do you actually have a bunch of people screaming into 1 mic???...any info would be great
photoresistor said:
oh, but doesnt everyone? You should tell them that The Used band members got Bert to scream like that for the album by throwing pots and pans at him. (theres a good technique for recording screams!) Then ask them if they still want his scream.

Most of them know that from interviews and the Maybe Memories DVD. I've had bands punch their singer in the arms to make 'em mad before.
"Most of them know that from interviews and the Maybe Memories DVD. I've had bands punch their singer in the arms to make 'em mad before."

Ah but of course.

psssh... punching on the arm... weaksauce. ;)

I know, if theres a band thats making you mad for some reason tell them you have a real good technique for getting a good scream... give you an excuse to throw stuff at em haha.
these are all good, but no one has answered the question about GROUP screams. Listen to the MP3 for me and get back. thanks.
I know that on "Thursday"s last record ['War All The Time'] they used a Soundelux ELUX 251 into a Chandler TG-2 mic pre... IIRC, it was followed by an Empirical Labs EL-8 "distressor"... I thought the screams came out pretty good on that.

Somehow, I have a feeling that if you can get the signal through the chain without clipping the front of the A/D converter, you'll probably get what you need to get the point across...
You'll probably want to try it two ways and decide which way you like better. For different voices/equipment and environment, you'll get different sounds. Try a few screams, layer them with about 10ms delay, maybe a little plate reverb, compress the hell out of them and see how it comes. If that doesn't work, try getting 3 or 4 of your friends around a condenser and go at it. You'll probably need to compress and add effects, but try these methods and decide which works for you. Never be afraid to try something out. If it suonds like shit, do it again =)

...Not the most fun, but the most rewarding way...
A Distressor would be brilliant on screams.

While I like the songs on War All the Time, the production I wasn't so keen on. It seemed too murky to me.
Layer it, so if one dude sounds like a girl you can turn him down or even change the octave. This brings up another advantage, making harmonies. If you all scream into one mic and one dude is out of key you are screwed. LAyer it. IMHO, the scream on the MP3 doesn't sound all that good, i wouldn't shoot for THAT exact sound. Good luck, have fun.