recording radio show need advice.


New member
I have started recording a radio program for my church that is being aired in Austin, Texas on a weekly basis. I am really learning as i go and actually know more about video recording than I do audio. What I have been doing so far is to use my Cannon g1 digital video camera to record the audio track using two mics. one for the host and the other for the guest. I then down load the recording to my hard drive and edit with Final cut pro on MAc adding music tracks etc. This puts extra use on my camera since it is also used to record bible classes 8-10 hours a week plus it is a cheesy way to do the recording. I am thinking my best way is to get a digital cd recorder and a small mixer to use instead... or if anyone can tell me what is a better way please do. I am just a neophyte .
thanks Scott31
I highly recommend the minidisk format for portable recording at near CD quality. You can use a small mixer or just use a high quality stereo mike directly into the minidisk recorder. Also checkout minidisk portastudios---they multitrack beautifully.

Download the audio into you Mac and sync it--the time accuracy is quite good. I have actually synced my minidisk tracks with previously recorded audio tracks and made great sounding CDs!