recording question...


New member
hi all,
I'm a newbie here as well as using Cubase. I have 2 problems in trying to record live drums over an audio file:
1) How can I just playback the audio while recording the drums? It seems like while I'm recording a new track, it re-records the audio file simultaneosly.
2) There is a delay or latency when I hit the drums, cymbals, etc onto Cubase. Is there a function where Cubase can receive the signal in real time?

I appreciate the help everyone,
mikep00 said:
1) How can I just playback the audio while recording the drums? It seems like while I'm recording a new track, it re-records the audio file simultaneosly.
You need to be recording the drums to separate tracks than the already recorded track(s). That is, you'll have to arm the tracks you want to record to (button with the black circle in it), and disarm the already recorded track(s).

2) There is a delay or latency when I hit the drums, cymbals, etc onto Cubase. Is there a function where Cubase can receive the signal in real time?
This latency is mostly due to your soundcard, computer, and somewhat to the software processing itself. You can adjust the buffer/latency settings in the device setup.
Check and see if your interface has a "no latency monitoring" function... It might help, just in case... (Correct me if I'm wrong!) :D