Recording problems in SONAR!


New member

When I ARM a track in SONAR and play MIDI, you can see the little green bar go up and down so you know that it is getting audio data when you record. But when you hear what you recorded...there's NOTHING! Then when you try to record again, the little green bars are gone, until you press stop, then they come back (and fade down [because it's stopped]), does anybody know how to fix this? It was fine just a while ago!!! please reply! thanks
I'm confused. What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to record an audio track while playing back a MIDI track? The "green bars" I assume are either your record or playback meters, but it is not clear from your question which one it is. If you are trying to record audio, are you seeing the waveform after you record or are you just getting a flat line?

A little more info would help in figuring out your trouble.
sounds like u might be settin up ur audio tracks wrong

or there's something wrong with the software and hardware interation
Yes I have MIDI tracks and corresponding Audio tracks for each of these MIDI tracks so I can record each one separately to have an Audio file to export. The "green bars" are under the tracks named "Corresponding Audio Track to MIDI Track #" (etc.) and only when I arm the Audio track, the green bars will move when I play. Yet, when I record, there is nothing in the new Audio clipping that I just created, just 3 orange lines. And when I try to record again, the green bars disappear and it does not create an audio clipping at all! Then when I stop the recording by pressing the record button, the green bars magically come back up as if the source was off the whole time and it was just turned on.

I used to be able to record perfectly fine, but this never happenned before. Please help me. Thank you so much!