Recording playback

(Can't get this to post anywhere else) I used to be able to record music playing on my computer by setting up my 1010lt in CEP 2 in the multitrack to record the playback (off of MySpace or whatever). That was with my old computer -- I can't seem to get it work with my new computer...any idea?
You can do it right in the delta control panel. In the control panel, you just route the outputs of your Delta right into 2 inputs. Then record with your favorite audio app.
Still doesn't work. If I route 1&2 (my outputs) to inputs 3/4 for example, I get nothing. The meters also show nothing in 3&4.
RideTheCrash said:
Still doesn't work. If I route 1&2 (my outputs) to inputs 3/4 for example, I get nothing. The meters also show nothing in 3&4.

You have to physically connect 1/2 out to 3/4 in. The Delta panel isn't very logical, imo. Just pretend the monitor mixer and patchbay aren't really there. :D

If you want to record the signal that's being passed to the hardware outs, select 1010LT Monitor Mixer as the track's input. If 1010LT Monitor Mixer doesn't show up under your track's input options, you'll have to enable it as an input in your software. You'll also have to make sure that the WavOut 1/2 faders are up and the channels are unmuted in the Delta Monitor Mixer. I think that's the only way to record the outputs without making physical connections between the outs and ins.

If you do this in Reaper, you have to make sure that the Master bus isn't routed to the 1/2 outs first or you'll end up with a nasty feedback loop.
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I did everything you suggested with no luck (I didn't physically link the outs and ins though, I'll use that as a last resort). I'm pretty sure I used to use the monitor mixer or something as CEP's track input but no matter how many different combos I try it picks up absolutely nothing.
Travis, actually you can do it completely within the Delta control panel, without any external cables at all. I have done this and used it to record audio streams off the net, etc...
amra said:
Travis, actually you can do it completely within the Delta control panel, without any external cables at all. I have done this and used it to record audio streams off the net, etc...

care to explain how you did it?
Yea, let me get home tonight so I can go throught it step by step on the PC I did it on.
ridethecrash, i really don't see any possible way to route the outputs to the inputs in the delta panel. i think amra might be mistaken.
It's quite possible, I used to do it without physically linking the cables. How exactly I did it and why it doesn't work now is beyond me.
I'm still stuck with this and it's killing me trying to figure it out. Arma, you still around? All I remember was I had to set whatever options so that I couldn't actually hear the stream while it was playing back, but it recorded. It might have involved the Sound options under my control panel moreso than the Delta panel.
Travis' post seemed right on.

Select the input of the track for 'Mixer In L/R' or whatever and record...

How many inputs are showing up when changing the track's input device? And what are they?
The tracks are:

the Monitor Mixer
the "Multi"

and then the tracks 1-8 (i.e. Delta 1010lt 1/2, 3/4, etc.)

Physically connecting the cables does work, yes, but I'd rather figure out why I can longer do this the easier way, as I don't enjoy climbing to the back of my computer and hooking up cables.
Okay, for some odd reason it now works. I noticed the faders were down on the individual channels in the panel control, which I don't remember them normally doing....but anyway after trying a million things, I set Wav Out 1/2 to Monitor Mixer in the patchbay section and set Monitor Mixer to record in my program and it worked this time.

I know it is a bit different than how I used to do it, but I can even hear the audio as I record now, so that's good.