Recording on an Ovation


New member
I posted about a month and a half ago or something that I had just picked up an Ovation Celebrity and I really liked it. For the most part it was poo-poo'ed by people on the boards here as being a terrible guitar. I just want to let you know that I have recorded an EP with it, and have recieved many compliments from musicians on the sound. If you would like to check it out, take a listen at

challenge the status quo.

bo.monro said:
I just want to let you know that I have recorded an EP with it, and have recieved many compliments from musicians on the sound.

Umm... Sorry, but that kind of confirms my dislike of the "Ovation sound". I guess some people must like it, though. It's really not my thing.
bo.monro said:
I posted about a month and a half ago or something that I had just picked up an Ovation Celebrity and I really liked it. For the most part it was poo-poo'ed by people on the boards here as being a terrible guitar. I just want to let you know that I have recorded an EP with it, and have recieved many compliments from musicians on the sound. If you would like to check it out, take a listen at challenge the status quo.
Nice playing.

The criticism of Ovations for use in recording is usually related to how they sound mic'd, not thier DI'd sound as used in these tracks. Was a mic mixed with it? Sounds fully DI'd to me. They're good working guitars for live sound - rugged and practical. Used for recording with a DI, guitars to a large extent lose their individual tone, to my ear, so it doesn't matter so much what make it is - it's an electric simulation of an acoustic sound not a real acoustic one. Perhaps your argument for Ovations would be better supported with a mic's-only recording. Just a thought.

Timothy Lawler said:
Nice playing.

The criticism of Ovations for use in recording is usually related to how they sound mic'd, not thier DI'd sound as used in these tracks. Was a mic mixed with it? Sounds fully DI'd to me. They're good working guitars for live sound - rugged and practical. Used for recording with a DI, guitars to a large extent lose their individual tone, to my ear, so it doesn't matter so much what make it is - it's an electric simulation of an acoustic sound not a real acoustic one. Perhaps your argument for Ovations would be better supported with a mic's-only recording. Just a thought.[

I can't say I agree. A good piezo element, properly buffered, is a good sound, at least to blend in a recording. It's certainly a unique, useable sound, especially for this sort of atmospheric stuff.

The Ovation I used to have had two major flaws: an ill-fitting plastic saddle, which is easily replaceable, and of course the plastic bowl. It results in a quick attack with no sustain in the midrange overtones--a hollow sound, occasionally boomy.

I installed a piezo element in my humble Alvarez which yields a much nicer tone. I hesitate to mention it, because I can't put my money where my mouth is, because it's unstrung and in need of fretwork :(

I have also had a Yamaha nylon-string with a cutaway and split piezo element under the saddle--that was clever, you could split the strings in stereo high/low or alternating strings. A cool effect, but it was no tonemeister either, nor was it acoustically.
mshilarious said:
A good piezo element, properly buffered, is a good sound, at least to blend in a recording. It's certainly a unique, useable sound, especially for this sort of atmospheric stuff.
Well sure, it can fill in the sound of a mic. I've never heard a contact transducer that didn't sound generic though - some worse than others - compared to the character of the actual in-the-room sound of the guitar.

But keep arguing. We've got a mic vs transducer Rumble in the making.

I've never liked Ovations. But, it may work for you. If you like the way it plays and sounds, there you go.

Just experiment. Have fun.
Timothy Lawler said:
mshilarious said: Well sure, it can fill in the sound of a mic. I've never heard a contact transducer that didn't sound generic though - some worse than others - compared to the character of the actual in-the-room sound of the guitar.

But keep arguing. We've got a mic vs transducer Rumble in the making.


Oh yeah? I wanna see you mod your most precious nylon-string to drop in an under-saddle piezo--clipping one to the soundboard doesn't count :p
I've never met an acoustic pick up I like. There great for stage work but on a recording I can't get by that plinky rubber band sound. Not knocking your chops sir, it's obvious you know how to play. It's just my humble opinion that the same song played on a quality acoustic guitar miked up would sound better. YMMV.
mshilarious said:
Oh yeah? I wanna see you mod your most precious nylon-string to drop in an under-saddle piezo--clipping one to the soundboard doesn't count :p
Already there bud... bRiNg iT oN!!!1!!!.

Timothy Lawler said:
Already there bud... bRiNg iT oN!!!1!!!.


Alright we are gonna do this . . . but I'm out of town for the next two weeks, which should be enough time for my Stew-Mac order to arrive, and for me to think up a format :mad:

Actually I guess the format is pretty simple . . . piezo pickup only, no micing allowed, best tone wins :mad: :mad: :mad: :p ;) :)

I'll start the thread tonight!
Ovations sound great, just ugly as homemade soap. Id never have one cuz i cant get past the aesthetics. (hugs his j-45) :cool: