Recording more than 2 inputs?????


Ninja kick the dam rabbit
im new to this software. ive got my fp10 working, but it only lets me select chan1 or chan2. thats is. it wont even give me an option for the other 6. they dont even show up.
how do i fix this??

im new to this software. ive got my fp10 working, but it only lets me select chan1 or chan2. thats is. it wont even give me an option for the other 6. they dont even show up.
how do i fix this??

audio devices
inputs (drop down box)

i'm not in the studio right now, but i'm 90% sure that's how to get there.
Screen Shot

ya i did that :( first 1, last is set to 8. but for some reason i only get 1 and 2 showing up. hmmm donno...

can you give a screen shot of what exactly you are doing when you are trying to call upon tracks 3-5.

also did you save the changes when you added inputs 1-8

P.S. every time i thought reaper was messing up, or that i wish it had some other feature. 100% of the time it was me messing somthing up.

can you give a screen shot of what exactly you are doing when you are trying to call upon tracks 3-5.

also did you save the changes when you added inputs 1-8

P.S. every time i thought reaper was messing up, or that i wish it had some other feature. 100% of the time it was me messing somthing up.


sorry i cant, its on my friends computer. i was there trying to figure it out.
thanks for trying to help tho. much appreciated :)
if it is not purely a 'preferences' issue (I use reaper with up to 26inputs but frequently use a template that masks the majority just for lack of clutter)

then my best guess is that it is a driver issue check to see which driver is applied . . . theoretically should be an ASIO fp driver, WDM can limit available inputs
about the 2 inputs...

I've been trying out the osx beta and I thought maybe it was just an osx thing they were still working on - when I checked the online manual it clearly showed multiple ins and outs...

So are you having this problem on the windows version? - if so - yikes!

Definitely update the driver for one - when I got my Firepod (at the time I was using Sonar) I had a hard time getting it to "name" the inputs correctly until I updated drivers.

Second, i had the same issue when I first switched to reaper - I enabled ASIO inputs, selected the Firepor, and was then only given two channels to select. All I really did was close it, then boot it up again and lo and behold I could then change to 1-8. I might have had to open and close it again - I think the issue was Reaper couldn't "look" for additional channels when I first switched to the Firepod, because it was only configured for two when I first booted it up. When it checked on next load, it found all 8.