Recording Issues with a Tuscam and Cubase


New member
Hi all,

Recently I have purchased a Tascam us1800 and got Cubase LE5 with it. Around the same time I also purchase a new PC that runs the Cubase very easily.

My issue is that when I record it sounds like there is a massive delay and that the mics aren’t picking up everything. Its hard to explain, but its like your playing drums so out of time that you cant replicate it. Like the first time a 4yo plays drums, they are trying to play to a beat but aren’t coordinated and they keep just missing it.

It very obvious, whether I am playing to a metronome or not. And seems inconsistently behind, sometimes it lags more than others.

I thought it might be 2 things. I thought it might be cutting out because of how loud I might have been playing and I thought it might be because of latency.
I played around with both of these and they didn’t change anything. :(

My other thought is that it might be due to the PC not have a separate sound card off the mother board. I originally dismissed this thought as i assume that the Tascam was an external sound card.... but what would i know....

Dose anyone have any ideas that could help me?

That is exactly what is caused by having the latency set too high in the Tascam Control Panel. Are you changing it via Devices>Device Setup>US-1800, click Control Panel tab, select 'low' or 'lowest' from the Audio Performance drop down menu? Then press Exit, then OK on the remaining Device Setup window?

Make sure you did all that first. :D

Oh and yes the Tascam will replace your internal soundcard. After you select it. Control Panel>Sound. Make the 1800 your default device. And I assume you selected the 1800 already in Cubase since you played around with the latency.
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