Recording interfaces with lightpipe.


New member
OK, Im ready to take the plunge into semi-serious home recording. I'm looking to get either a firewire or PC card interface with light pipe with the hopes of upgrading in the future to better AD convertors.

In the meanwhile I have about $1000 to spend and need 8 inputs until I can upgrade. I was looking hard at the Firepod but it really looks like a dead end as far as upgrading.

I only know of a few choices...MOTU 828MKII, RME Hammerfall DSP 9632 or Tascam FW-1804.

I was planning on using my Soundcraft Folio mixer or a Behringer ADA8000 for an additional 8 inputs, until I could upgrade...unless someone talks me out of it!

My main concerns are, that I need to record my sons band within the next few weeks and need a COMPLETE setup (software, 8 pres and interface) NOW, for about $1000. What are my options?

If you don't mind getting locked into Protools LE by defualt, the 002R would fit the bill. 8 analog ins (4 pres) and 8 channels I/O via lightpipe, 2 via SPDIF. All work simultaneously. I know of a few people that use the ADA8000 and 002 together without issue. You get interface and software for 1100 or so.
Well, the E-mu 1616M is coming soon. Given E-mu's track record, you've got an equal chance of loving it or hating it.

And there's the M-audio 1814.

Also, you can chain two Firepods together, I believe.