recording in fl studio7


New member
i have been recording demo's into FL7 using a sm57 & 58 and a cheap condencer mic and an m-audio soundcard and i am wondering...

would get better results recording into different software or is it just a question of improving my techniques?
what i mean is. is it worth the trouble of getting cubase or anything else to do home recording.
I'm not really fond of recording with FL myself. It's a bit easier, IMO, in other programs, such as ableton live, garage band, or reaper... Though i'm a reaper user, and i was able to catch on to it very quickly, so i would definitely recommend Reaper ( it's free, they just ask that you buy it at some point, and even if you do buy it, it's cheap.
If you enjoy using Fruity Loops for the sequencing, or anything else, it can easily be ReWired into Reaper, and they both can be ran simultaneously. (as long as your pc can handle it) ;)
Actually, I doubt that a different software will change anything. You are probably much more likely to get better sound (assuming your technique is as good as possible) with a better mic and possibly a decent preamp. I know personally, I'm always trying to upgrade what I think is the weakest point in the signal chain. From what you describe, it's not your software, it's your hardware. Don't forget room treatment if you haven't thought about that.
Ah, yeah, i wasnt saying it would improve the sound, but it's a lot easier to manipulate. That was my point. :p
I miss the heck out of FLStudio, there's nothing like it. I don't know how comfortable I'd be using it as a DAW, since the last version I used was 3, but I'm sure the sound engine isn't going to be any worse than any other application. I'd say work on your technique and save up for some nicer gear.
I'm confused by the question. Bits are bits. If you don't like the sound of the recording (assuming your performance is great) than you signal path is the issue. If you can't take a Sure 58, sing and like what you sound like, either your sound is not that great to begin with or your signal path is suck. i.e. mic pre's etc.

I hate to admit that some of my best sounding recording comes from a SM58 straight to DAW with no effects. If you are recording 24 bits of info per second accuratly than that's all you should need, the recording application should not make a difference. now, use a different board and all bets are off (miss my old yahamah board qq)