recording in a garage


New member
im just starting so im pretty new to the recording side of music. i am doing a demo for one of my bands and i did all guitar and drums in a 3 car port garage. The vocals i did in the bath room. When i started mixing the guitars and drums im getting alot of distortion and feedback. I was wondering what i should do to either the garage or if i should record the guitars and drums again in a capreted room. and if i should record again how big should the room be.
You sure you don't have a talk back mic on? :p

Like what has been previously stated, bad room will not give you what you have, though it may give you flutter echo or other types of cancelation that you will learn to hate soon enough. Re-track and watch how hot everything is coming in. When you get the new improved tracks, then listen back for how much you may not like your room's sound (or maybe you will like it).

thanks guys. i dont have a talk back mic yet so i thats not it. so if i want a better sound should i record in a small room or closet or should i use direct input from the amp into the interface.
bigger rooms actually have less problems than smaller ones, and sound better to-boot.

A: you tracked the instruments with distortion on them
B: you're overloading the "master buss" and the distortion is coming from there.
no matter what it is, the problem isn't your room.