recording horns


New member
does anyone have any experience recording horns like tenor sax and trombone? The band is not ska, but maybe the technique might be the same... whenever i record them they sound weak or hollow... heres an example..

i realize a have a few more problems than the horns as far as mixing goes, but i'd really like to get these harns buttoned down.
although any help at all on any part of it would be appreciated :)

oh and also, i have been recording using a groove tubes gt55 through a behringer 2222 to my layla 24/96
I don't necessarily think they sound too bad. A lot of it has to do with the way they play/sound and the room they are in. You can make the horn section sound thicker by doubling some parts or making some more harmonies. The sax player could benefit from this as well. The bone and tenor are both low instruments though. It may be the highs that you feel that you are lacking. If there was a way to throw a trumpet player in there, I'd go for it. It would add some more harmonies and thicken up the chords a bit more.
Benny almost took the words out of my mouth :eek: .

Personally what I hear as a "weakness" (bad word) is the fact that the players themselves sound a bit restrained; it's almost as if they're afraid of waking up the neighbors ;) :D. (That isn't a stab at the players, just a suggestion on the arrangement). I wouldn't mind hearing them play with a little more force. If you do that, you can back off on the levels to keep them the same as what you have now, which is fine; the goal here is not volume but energy. A little more "Ides of March" feel and a little less "Herb Alpert", so to speak ;). And (speaking of Herb Alpert) I agree that a trumpet in there would really fill it out.

As far a the signal chain, the GT is not a bad mic, but it might be strangled a little by the Berrie preamps. If you can get your paws on a decent stand-alone preamp to run the GT though, it could really breathe easier and maybe take a veil off the highs a bit.

But otherwise it's a nice arrangement and a nice mix. Still could use some tightening up, it feels just a little "loose", but it's a pretty good start. Get the brass boys some Red Bull before hitting the record button, and maybe borrow a good pre for that GT, and I think it'll improve. ;)

thanks guys!
yea we originally had a trumpet player, but the ones around here seem to be pretty flakey at best.... i could probably wrangle one in to record a couple songs though
thanks for the suggestions again, i'll have to try them out
now that I think about it some more...I'd try an alto sax in there first. Your current sax player could play it so you wouldn't need to find another musician and it might help fill in that upper register

and of course, listen to Glen's ideas ;)
Gave it a second listen to go with my second sandwich at lunch :). I stick by what I said and what Benny said (especially the doubling part), but maybe heard something else as well...

The brass sounds almost a bit too "present"; low volume but low volume 6 inches away. Try what has already been said, but then also perhaps try salting a bit of reverb on them. Not too much, just something to make them sound a bit more "real" and a bit less "recorded". An increase of energy level in some doubled parts, combined with some reverb should help give a nice fat wall that sounds like a full-blown horn section.

Would be interested in hearing the results, too. :)

i'm a big fan of dynamics on horns, espically with something like a berri pre amp that's just going to f' up the hi-end any who........

keep in mind that i have not had a chance to hear your recording.
Who wrote this message to me?

"quit your spam buttwipe, and actually contribute to the site."

It was a comment next to this thread in my user control panel. A couple of things piss me off about this:-

1. It was anonymous

2. I AM contributing to the forums. I'm finding people who want horn samples and letting them know about the services I provide. Many people think it's a great idea and they wouldn't have known about it if I hadn't told them.

So whoever it was who wrote that, if you'd like to PM me, we can have a discussion.
to specifically contribute to this thread:

The Behringer pre is probably not helping things to sound as good as they could.

What does "anomys" mean?