Recording Help


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Hi, I'm using N track studio and I want to use my tascam 414 mkII to transfer the tracks I recorded on it, to n-track so that I can mix it down. I have everything plugged in right I just need to know what to do so that each track i record from the tascam gets onto a seperate track on n-track. Then from the tracks I have on n-track, I will mixdown and then burn to cd. I tried using the tascam today and converting it to n-track but I don't know if I'm going to be able to get each track seperate on n-track. Is there a certain way I have to make the settings on the tascam or n-track to do this? thanks a million i know its confusing.
How many inputs do you have on your soundcard? If it's just two the only way to get all four of the tracks from your tascam into the computer is to record them into the computer two at a time and then try to sync them up in n-track. The only problem with this method is that your tascam probably plays at slightly different speeds each time it plays back. This will make it pretty tough to sync up, although if you have Cool Edit or Sound Forge, you may be able to stretch the files so that they'll work together.

The easiest way to do something like this is to use a soundcard with four analog inputs. You can get the Delta 44 for $219 most places. Then you just run the direct outs from each track on your tascam into an input on the soundcard.

An even simpler way to do all of this is to just record directly into the soundcard. What reasons do you have for recording into your Tascam first?
man, i've been there (a 414, n-track and a soundcard with 2 inputs). i started using the conputer directly once i got n-track, but had all these old 414 tapes i wanted to mess with in n-track. what i ended up doing, which seemed to work, is recording a very short tone accross all tracks on the 414 just before the song, kind of like 1 click of a click track on all 4 tracks, then recorded 2 tracks at a time into the computer. before i split each from stereo, i used cool edit and zoomed way in on the click, and was able to chop the wave right where the click started. that seemed to work pretty well. i was concerned that the tape would play at different speeds for each run, so i did this right before each song on the tape, verses only once at the begining of the tape.

sometime i take the 414 out to record a band live, so still sometimes need to get 414 tracks into the computer
Im using the tascam because its portable and theres not any room where my computer is to have a 5 piece band come in. I was thinking that I can just mixdown to n-track so that I have the song on my computer, how would I do this. The tracks wouldnt have to be seperate this way. thanks