recording help!


New member
i know this isnt the right forum for this but im new here so i dunno where to post it....i use Adobe Audition 1.5 and i have a problem recording...when i record a track it records fine but when i play it back it only plays in the left speaker although it is set to the middle for playback...someone please help and explain to me how to fix is very important!!! thanks!!!
It sounds like youre recording a mono signal through your computer soundcard's line in and recording to a stereo track in Audition. Because the line in is a stereo jack, it is routing the mono signal to the left channel. This is normal. But what's complicating matters for you is that you are recording to a stereo track as well, so it's recording that signal to the left channel as well.

What you need to do to fix this is in Audition to click on the "Rec 1" button for the track you're recording to, and then in the dialog box that pops up, select the "Left Channel" option instead of the "Stereo" option. This will then record the mono signal coming in on the left channel of your soundcard as a single mono track. Then when playing that track back, you can pan it however you want.

there is no "rec 1" button, at least that i see...there is just the red b ox with the "r" in it to record...and also, when i do hit record, no box pops up to give me an option to select "left channel" vs. "stereo" i just missing something or doing something wrong here?
You probably have not got the track stretched tall enough and the "Rec 1" button is hidden. Vertically zoom the tracks a bit to expand their height and the new buttons should be revealed.

Make sure you are on the multitrack screen and not the edit screen. You can toggle between these screens with the button in the upper-left corner of the screen. On the multitrack screen, each track should have a complete set of buttons and controls for each track. One of these will be the "Rec1" button.

I have attached a close-up of a sample screenshot from my own copy of Audition and have highlighted both the screen toggle button and the Rec1 button.




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thanks alot didnt say Rec1 thats what was screwin me up but the button that was there fixed it...good lookin out