Recording from turntable into Adobe Audition (pc)

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60's guy

60's guy

Well-known member
I purchased a cable, female rca input connectors to a usb output hoping that I could record from turntable to Adobe Audition on my pc.
My E drive has been wonky at times, but I suspect that I'm not setting the recording process up correctly. What am I missing?
Um, you're going to need a phono preamp unless it's built into the turntable. "Female RCA to USB" doesn't sound encouraging. Could you post a link to the cable?
Um, you're going to need a phono preamp unless it's built into the turntable. "Female RCA to USB" doesn't sound encouraging. Could you post a link to the cable?
I am running the turntable direct to a DMP3 preamp inputs and then running the preamp outputs to pc via the aforementioned cable. I purchased that rca to usb cable a few months ago. I'll have to backtrack to find a link.
You're trying to use an Maudio DMP3 for recording from a turntable? The DMP3 is the wrong tool for the job. A mic preamp doesn't the required RIAA equalization curve to play records properly.

A phone preamp will run you anywhere from $25 to $500+. There are several that allow you to go directly from phono output to USB input. I've never used one, so I can't comment on how well the low priced ones like the Behringer UFO202 work. When I transfer albums, I run from my AudioSource preamp to line inputs on my Tascam interface. Works fine.
What you are unaware of is that records don't like bass - funky basslines can fire the stylus out of the groove - so they fixed it by reducing the bass progressively. Looking at the response on a graph gives a curve. The USA set the standard the world uses for the shape of the curve. A turntable preamp not only amplifies, it adds back the lowered bass following the RIAA curve. Without this, the cartridge sounds weedy, thin and useless. If you can find an old hifi amp at a junk sale - the record outputs will give you the proper sound on the phono input - could be cheaper than buying a totally new product.
Thanks to all for the feedback.
I was hoping to record complete vinyl albums to Adobe Audition.
In the past, I have played and recorded albums to my Yamaha AW16G successfully, export the wave files to CDR, and import to Adobe Audition at pc level.
It's cumbersome, but it works, with no loss of bass.
Thanks again!
If you connect a magnetic phono cartridge to a pre-amp, it MUST have RIAA equalisation and the correct gain - the Yamaha AWS16G does NOT have phono capable preamps or the RIAA curve - so if you used it to record from records - then you must have also had the RIAA preamp in a hifi, or separate unit. The Yamaha is incapable of recording from phono pickups. Not at all what is it designed for. You are looking for a pair of phono/RCA inputs labelled turntable - all hi-fi kit had them, but recording kit did not.