Recording for myself

I love the sound of this and I like how it builds; it keeps surprising me with little changes I didn't expect. I think you could nail that last vocal peak better. Your vocals are amazing. Perfect for this kind of thing. Well done.
Sounds really good.

The acoustics and bass guitar sound nice and big and full together when they first come in. Nice contrast with the smaller sounding intro. The vocals were well captured and well performed. An interesting melody too.
Overall sounds great!

Take into account the following are picky personal suggestions:

I would fill up parts of the song with multitracked background vocals, with Oohs and Ahhs and repeats of some of the lyrics.

I like the composition, and like the use of suspensions ( I realize the idea is to create tension before the big resolve.) but I thought it was just a little too much in some spots.

Great work, enjoyed the listen !