Recording Equipment


New member
Am very interested in getting into recording. Some people tell me I would end up with better quality CD's if I recorded on adat, then mixed down to a cd. Is this correct? Am thinking of purchasing either a VS-880 or a VS-1680 with a cd burner, and monitors. Do I also need a mixer? Have been spending alot of time reading and looking around the net trying to learn about recording. Am the type of person that try to get the right stuff the first time. I have my own band, and am presently building a backyard studio which will probably be a pretty dead sounding room. I really do appreciate any advice you guy's may have to offer. Thanks
A good place to start would be the home page of this site. Many informative topics to choose from.
The VS machines are a really great place to start out with instant recording capability. Stand alone recording units are funny like that... plug and play if you will. But to be honest even if you do go with a VS you will really appreciate the additional flexability you will have if you do get a small mixer. For example if you are recording a full band (including a real live drummer) then you will jam up the whole input show just micing the trap. But if you had an eigth to twelve channel board you could mix the whole drum party on it.. and then pump the mix to the roland. Keep reading and asking.
intune, if you're seriously interested in Roland VS recorders, do yourself a favor and visit ''

I own a VS-840EX and have found the vsplanet to be the best resource available.

i use a roland vs-880ex and the cd-rII. it is a truly outstanding piece of gear from a sonic standpoint, and a mind-boggling, non-intuitive mass of confusion from a user perspective. it takes a while to learn to use it, but it is worth the trouble. my CDs kick ass quality-wise, so i have no complaints there. the manual sucks, but as mentioned above, take a look at vs-planet - we have a great community there and tons of good advice on getting results out of the vs workstations. i do use an outboard mixer as the control center for my setup, and run tape decks, cd players, synths, and accent mics through it, as well as running the outputs from the roland to it for monitoring.
I don't own a Vs-840 but would take one any day if I had money.

My dream Recording setup:
Guitar Stuff:

-Mesa Dual Rectifier halfstack

-Les Paul 57 Goldtop

-Fender Lone Star Strat

-PRS McArty Model

-Fender Jaguar

Bass Stuff:

Trace Elliet Halfstack-

Fender P-lyte bass

Drum Stuff-

Pearl Master series drumset

Zildian K series cymbals (all)

Mics and Stuff:

Shure SM58 for vocalist

Audix D3's and Shure sm57's for instruments

Dont now anything about drum mics



TWO GOOD 12" Monitors

Alesis Adat package
with monitors