Recording Epiphone PR6 with Alesis i02 & CuBase LE5


New member
Good morning everyone;

So I finally got the stupid setup taken care of in Cubase for the i|02 inputs and did some test recording.

Plugged my electric bass in and used Phantom Power on "Guitar" - sounded pretty good - got a nice clean signal without clipping or shooting the sound at all. Very pleased. (Will normally run through the bass amp, phantom off, guitar setting)

Plugged my Epiphone PR6 Acoustic/Electric in with Phantom off, set to mic/line (as this would be an active pickup, correct?) and diddled around for a bit. I couldn't seem to get a good high-volume run out of it without clipping/distorting (as I had to ramp the gain and main volume to catch up with the bass). Is this just a fact of life and I should be running through an amp first, or am I doing something wrong? Should I use Phantom power, should I use the Guitar instead of Mic/Line? This was done using a standard Hi-z monster cable direct from A/E to Alesis.

Also, I am just generally keeping the Stereo/Mono set to Stereo (using only the left input). Is this the way I should be doing business? I am sorry for the total Noob question but I am very inexperienced with recording with these interfaces. Thank you in advance! I have the day off tomorrow and I kind of plan on going through and recording the guitar and bass (and maybe some solo-stuff) for a plethora of past work I've written/recorded using 4-track.
Almost a whole day of work gone and still no help! ARGH! I'm going to just have to use the "Help" files aren't I...I've never been one to read instructions, lol.