recording electric guitar


New member
hey guys,
i got a problem see if you can help :

i want to record my electric guitar in distortion mode,
i have unit destortion effect but when i plug my guitar to effect and then to my sound card the sound is terrible,i know that i should use an amp,but i was thinking maybe i can find another way to solve this problem.
here is my connections :
guitar---->ibanez unit sonic distortion----->m-audio pro-fire 610 input
How are you connecting from the effects box to the Profire? My guess would be that you may have problems with your gain staging. The Profire 610 has dual inputs; the XLR part is expecting mic level and the TRS centre points are expecting line level. I've never used the Ibanez box and a quick Google didn't give me any idea of the output levels.

In any case, the first thing I'd do is experiment with both the output level of the Ibanez box and the input level settings on on the Profire. You might find a compromise somewhere that sounds better.

hey guys,
i got a problem see if you can help :

i want to record my electric guitar in distortion mode,
i have unit destortion effect but when i plug my guitar to effect and then to my sound card the sound is terrible,i know that i should use an amp,but i was thinking maybe i can find another way to solve this problem.
here is my connections :
guitar---->ibanez unit sonic distortion----->m-audio pro-fire 610 input

You can't just go from a pedal to your interface. That will always sound like roasted ass. You need to have an actual amp, or an amp simulator in there.
What's your effect... Greg's right, you need, preferably an amp, or an amp sim. Some multi-effects have a cabinet simulator, which might make it more palatable. Depends what your effects unit is. If it's just a straight distortion pedal, I don't fancy your chances.
How are you connecting from the effects box to the Profire? My guess would be that you may have problems with your gain staging. The Profire 610 has dual inputs; the XLR part is expecting mic level and the TRS centre points are expecting line level. I've never used the Ibanez box and a quick Google didn't give me any idea of the output levels.

In any case, the first thing I'd do is experiment with both the output level of the Ibanez box and the input level settings on on the Profire. You might find a compromise somewhere that sounds better.


thanks bob,
but the problem is that i have unit effect,which has one out put,i know i have problem with the gain but how can i increase it ?
Which effect unit? And Bob's talking about gain staging, not the "gain" knob on your effect in terms of how much distortion it cranks out... which is typically set too high...
you can't mic it - or your amp doesnt have a direct out or line out jack in back (not the speaker out!!! LOL)
hey guys,
i got a problem see if you can help :

i want to record my electric guitar in distortion mode,
i have unit destortion effect but when i plug my guitar to effect and then to my sound card the sound is terrible,i know that i should use an amp,but i was thinking maybe i can find another way to solve this problem.
here is my connections :
guitar---->ibanez unit sonic distortion----->m-audio pro-fire 610 input

@Greg_L is right. You can't go direct in like that and expect it to sound like a marshall. Try AmpliTube 3 FREE as a VST and record your guitar cleanly in and use AmpliTube as your guitar amp/fx pedals.
I work for the company that make AmpliTube 3 so take that into account, but AmpliTube is the only amp sim company that is officially licensed and endorsed by Fender, Ampeg, Orange, Soldano, Seymour Duncan, Groove Tubes, Gallien-Krueger, Jet City, THD, T-Rex and tons more coming. Oh and getting started with AmpliTube is very inexpensive. Its free.
I work for the company that make AmpliTube 3 so take that into account, but AmpliTube is the only amp sim company that is officially licensed and endorsed by Fender, Ampeg, Orange, Soldano, Seymour Duncan, Groove Tubes, Gallien-Krueger, Jet City, THD, T-Rex and tons more coming. Oh and getting started with AmpliTube is very inexpensive. Its free.

I have to say. I am really impressed with IK for making the amps as add ons. There are so many amp sim apps where I only use maybe 5 at most amps out of the whole program and like 2 cabs so it's nice to see you guys did it that way this go around.