Recording drums

one more thing.....
Make sure I get 2 wav files not one.
1. kick - played alone by itself about 15 hits
2.Snare - also on it's on also about 15 hits

If the wav file is over 4megs then cut it down to 10 hits and so on untill it is small enough to email or to dowload from a site.

Also I'm want to send you something to read that I wrote. Post your email.
hey Shailat my email is Ill get that stuff emailed out to you . i probally cant get it to you till friday thats when we practice but im willing to start from scratch if you willing to lend your knowledge out thanks again


I sent you the email. Just verify that you got it.

Friday is fine.

One more question
Does your Drummer know how to tune the kit?
ok shailat i received you email yes he does no how to tune his kit.The kit itself is a really good sounding kit so it isnt like im trying to create a sound that isnt there to start with. if you want to check out what im working with here is a link to some pitures of my set up .I will get those wav files to you as fast as i can
im looking foward to hearing from you
Hey that's a wicked setup you have there Norm, if you want to free up some space on the 'wall of shame' I'll gladly takes those taurus pedals off your hands.... No, I can't afford them. Probably worth a bit of dough though.
ya i now those taurus petals really dont belong up there.Being up on the same stage as the nano compresser or those realist micophones.When they did work they sounded great and our bass player loved them.But they were the biggest pain in the balls to lug around or have sitting in the middle of the floor so when they came back from the shop unfixable the rest of us decided they were going right up there to stay