recording drums


does anyone have a good setup for recording drums (4 piece kit) with 3 or 4 mics. theres just so many options. i wanted to get some opinions....i know there are a lot out there. thanks.
Our crazy technique is that we have reverse wired three speakers, 2 12" celestion guitar speakers, and one 15" bass speaker. We use a 12" on the bass drum, a 12" on the rack tom, and 15" on the floor tom. One overhead mic behind the drummers head. voila, instant awesome.
brendandwyer said:
Our crazy technique is that we have reverse wired three speakers, 2 12" celestion guitar speakers, and one 15" bass speaker. We use a 12" on the bass drum, a 12" on the rack tom, and 15" on the floor tom. One overhead mic behind the drummers head. voila, instant awesome.

Is this a joke.
If not post some clips.

Why not put the 15' on the bass drum and the 12's" on the toms. :confused:
normalizer said:
does anyone have a good setup for recording drums (4 piece kit) with 3 or 4 mics. theres just so many options. i wanted to get some opinions....i know there are a lot out there. thanks.

I would use LR overheads and kick and snare.
We tried the 15" on the kick drum and it resulted in a very sloppy sound. Not a whole lot of attack, mostly mudd. Actually, after attempting to mix this song yesterday, we found that we dropped the 15" tom mic altogether. I think that 12" speakers are more manageable than 15" and the sound is tighter. It is awesome on bass cabinets.

It is not a joke! I'll get some pics tonight and try to get them up on our site <ahref='">Nate and Brendan Dot Com</a>