Recording drums


New member
Which is better for drums

Hi there!

I'll also post some samples and my opinions after I get my Quatafire 610 this week. For now I'm thinking of buying a Behringer B1 or B5, I want to get the best over head sound with my drums. So which would you buy, B1 or B5? Or maybe something else.
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What is your budget, what style of drums are you cutting, is this just a one mic setup, etc... on and on and on....

me, I;d go with somethng else. AKG C-3000 is nice on overheads for the price, and so is the Shure KSM 32
Maybe something else.........I have great results with a pair of MXL 603, but as you may know what works for me could not work for you. I bought those 603 based on the comments that I read on this forum, I didn´t have a chance to try them, I just trust what the people said and what I´ve read here. It took me some time until I came up with a balanced sound of my drumkit.

Well it is a classic 5pc drum kit with cymbals. I don't have drum mics (for the bass, snare, toms, ..) so I'll have to start with overheads. I was thinking of two mics. One ECM8000 pointed to bass drum and the other B1 above the drums. I wanted also to know what kind of mic is better for drums. With large or maybe small diaphragm, omnidirectional, cardioid.