Recording Drums with limited inputs (but I've got a mixer! :)


New member
Ok guys, I posted a bit ago asking about using my v-amp as a mic pre so that I would have enough inputs to record drums. Someone on the V-Amp forum over on Yahoo suggested I use my Aux Send as an output so that my mixer was sending three seperate outputs to my Delta and my Ultravoice was sending the 4th, thus using all the inputs on my Delta66. So that's perfect for what I wanted to know, but that got me thinking and here's my question:

But first, I'm using a Behringer UB802 Mixer, which has 2 mic pres and 4 stereo channels, so 6 inputs total.

Finally my question: Can I group sets of mics together and send them to individual outputs accordingly? And since that question doesn't really make sense, let me illistrate. Could I use three mics to record the toms and send them all to one output (Lets say Channels 1, 3 and 5, all sending out the left Main Out into one input on my sound card). And than lets say I use three more mics for my High Hats, and two cymbals, and send them to one output as well (lets say 2, 4, and 6, all sending out the right Main Out into one input on my sound card) Ok so that means I have two inputs left on my soundcard, so I could concievably use one for the snare and one as an overhead (wait, what about my bass drum, now I've confused myself!!!)

Ok so I think you get the general idea of what i'm hoping to do here, and that is, to get a good sound from each drum, and if I can't actually adjust each level individually, at least maybe I can adjust the level for groups that go together.

Ya know what, I'm really just fishing for ideas and examples of what you all have done, so please tell me how you record your drums and if you feel like answering my questions that would be nice too.


P.S. I've recorded drums before, but I just used an overhead and a bass mic, and sometimes a snare mic.
Try using your mixer for left and right overheads. If you use tom mics, then send those to the mixer, but create a stereo mix in the mixer with overheads + toms. Then use your other inputs for kick and snare.

Four tracks as follows:

1) Left overhead + left toms
2) Right overhead + right toms
3) Snare
4) Kick